
Top 4 Tips to Hire the Best Ruby on Rails Developers

Ruby on Rails is the most popular language in the PYPL (Popularity of Programming Languages) rating by GitHub.  So, finding and hiring the best Ruby on Rails developer would have been a challenge for you. In this guide you will learn: How to hire the right Ruby on Rails developer for your project? Skills to look for while hiring a Ruby on Rails developer (beyond the basic certifications and experience) Where to find the best Ruby on Rails Developer for the job (no matter your budget) How to hire the right Ruby on Rails developer for your project (in 4 simple steps) 1. Be clear about your requirements  Apart from setting out the project scope, ensuring you are looking for the right kind of Ruby on Rails developer is crucial. In fact, vague or inaccurate skill levels of developers could set your hiring process bit back by a few weeks (or even months) as well. And while you may be familiar with all the standard skill level categories, knowing which one to hire for your business project ca

13 Biggest SEO Trends of 2021 - Latest Google Updates of 2021

  13 Biggest SEO Trends of 2021 (UPDATED LIST) The SEO industry is unpredictable just like algorithm  updates that Google launches  from time to time. The industry is so volatile that if an SEO goes into hibernation and wakes up after a year, the person may start sensing a generation gap.  So, much is happening around the world of SEO and you want to be on top of all these to make sure things (rankings) are under your control.  In this blog, I’ll discuss a few hot trends in SEO and also make some speculations about how things can pan out in 2021.  If you are wondering why read someone’s speculations, then the answer is so simple. Until, Google reveals all the ranking factors, which they will not, SEO is half speculation half data-driven.  I’ll be sharing some of the best practices that we follow here in Stan Ventures, and these practices take our clients to the next level. With just a few changes, you can be ready for whatever 2021 throws your way, at least based on what Google has bee